Abandon Review

Abandon by Meg Cabot


The pace was 3.5/5 stars for the majority of the book, but the last 30% made up for everything. 

I didn't like how the flashbacks were not in chronological order (that made me confused). It also ended up having a sort of Insta-love, which disappointed me. Like John didn't really turn up until the end of the book, and even though she was alive for another 2 years, somehow they ended up having insta-love by the last 20 pages of the book. I wasn't upset about Jade, btw. That wasn't nearly as impacting as I think it's intended.

Okay, bad stuff has been said. Everything else was wonderful, Cabot continues to write in a relatable, unique teen voice. I cracked up laughing when Pierce (such a bad name, may I add) got her hair caught in the necklace. It's something I would've been taking note of it I were in her shoes. The romance was super cute aside from being insta.

I feel like this book was really the prologue to the actual plot. I was waiting for the entire book for John to bring her back, but that's literally the last 5 pages. I'm not too mad, as the book was only 294 pages long. I NEED to hit up my library and find the sequels, it's definitely a refreshing YA paranormal romance I haven't read yet. I want more!

Ps: I have implied the book was slow and plot twists were predictable, but I must add that there was a few mysteries that did shock me!