Updated My Theme

Hello my 8 stunning readers,

For the first time in 2 years; I updated my theme.

I'm having a few technical difficulties, so please excuse them until they are fixed.

If you think you or you know of somebody that can help me, please go over to my request on the Blogger help forum.

The main issue (full request found at the link above):
I know this has been mentioned several times, but the solutions people give such as the codes for CSS/HTML are not working. 

I have been searching for a solution for over 2 hours now. Sometimes when I try out the suggestions, my posts will "loop
(I think that's the term?); where they repeat themselves in the same post, and the thumbnail isn't at the top (the picture just repeats itself like the rest of the post). Other times that [ugly] thumbnail with disproportions (and yes, I know how to change to ratio of them) will remain there. 

I am happy for the tiny thumbnails to stay in my sidebar with my Popular This Month section, but not on my posts on the Main Page/Home Page. 

I hope you guys like the new theme,

feel free to tell me what you think in the comments below :)

the other one
