Exploring My Bookshelves #1

Exploring My Bookshelves @ Addlepates and Book Nerds. Take a “shelfie” (a picture of your bookshelf) and then use one of the books on your shelves to answer the weekly prompt.

The best of the best – a 100 post annoucement! 

This is a picture of books not on shelves.


Because I ran out of space. 

But I can surely say that the best of the best for 2016 was Lady Midnight (or Obsidian... I love them both so dearly).

I've written reviews on every book (except Life and Death), please check them out: 
HoO #2: Son of Neptune
Stolen: A Letter to My Captor
Sweet Peril
Lux: Opposition

What's the best book you've read in 2016?

the other one
