Review: Since You've Been Gone

Since You've Been Gone Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

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1.5/5 stars.

Yep. That's all. I don't want to review this. I almost DNF at page 244. But I was determined to finish it.

This was a bad book.

I feel like the whole thing was written by somebody in the 7th grade. It was shite.

Basically; Sloane made Emily's life interesting, before she pulled a Margo from Paper Towns and ditched this boring, pathetic excuse for a teen girl. Emily is he worst person I've ever had to read about.

She is dull. That is it. She's not even 2 dimensional. She's.... she's........ 1 dimensional. She's the worst.

This sucked and I'm sad that I had to sit through that.

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