
Showing posts from January, 2017

Another Day (Every Day #2) Review

Another Day (Every Day #2)  by David Levithan This wasn't nearly as interesting as the first book, but that's a given. I did really enjoy seeing the missing pieces from Rhiannon's storyline. She was a more complex character that I originally assumed, especially with the instant guilt she feels towards anything. She's a little too modest, if anything. It's refreshing to see. A genuine person who over cares. Rare for teens in YA, amiright? I would only read this again if I was super into the mood after rereading the first instalment (which is a 5/5 stars for me). I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT CLIFFHANGER. LEVIATHAN, yes I said leviathan, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO US, aGAiN?????

Review: The Hating Game

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne My rating: 5 of 5 stars Review to come. I just need a second to process how much I love this book. Clue; look at my updates. I LOVE THIS BOOK. REVIEW: 10000000/5 stars. Yep. My first favourite of the year. So idk where to start in reviewing this. I found this book because it popped up on my feed that somebody liked one of their friend's reviews about it. I remember they loved it dearly, but I checked out their account and saw they were addicted to smut. I'm typically a YA reader, so I was pretty much turned off it. Still, I added it to my TBR pile. In no way was I in a hurry to read it, but as I was rushing out from my closing library a few days ago, I caught my eye and I knew I had to borrow it. I don't know what it was. But that bloody book was calling to me. Okay so I think I'm going to review this book by going through what happens in the story. The end will definitely have spoilers, so skip that se...

Almost to Die For (Vampire Princess of St. Paul #1) Review

Almost to Die For (Vampire Princess of St. Paul #1) by Tate Hallaway 3/5 stars. This book was basically a rip off of the first half of Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side. But with a half vampire instead. It was sweet with basic language, definitely suited for a younger YA audience. TBH I never felt the passion for her and her love interests, and we find out at the ending that her love triangle never is concluded!!! It was very short, and needed more depth for me to like it. The plot line was a bit too cliche, and usually I love that, but there was nothing at all that kept me on my toes. If you need a quick paranormal romance read, check this out. It's not super dramatic with hot male leads, but it'll do the job just fine. It has the essentials: developed realm, well though out paranormal laws, and a (freaking) love triangle. I probably wouldn't read this again. It was just too short-- I'd rather read Jessica's Guide. Sorry.

Review: Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs My rating: 2 of 5 stars 2.5/5 stars. Wow what a disappointment??? I really didn't like the writing IM SORRY! I know how popular this book is. But it felt way too immature for me to read, and the main protag is 16??? 1 year younger than I????????? I'm not usually a fan of pictures in my novels either. Idk I will still see the movie after this point idc I can't see how this is so popular?? The writing style reminded me of when I tried to read Narnia when I was 12. Needless to say; I don't like that series. I don't like the format nor the style. Could somebody please convince me otherwise? Why do so many people love this series? View all my reviews

Zeroes (Zeroes #1) Review

Zeroes (Zeroes #1) by Scott Westerfeld 2.5/5 stars. This book jus wasn't for me-- it was well written, but with all the action I still found it boring. The concept is interesting, and I wanted to read it so badly I bought the last copy last Christmas instead of giving it to my friend. Oops. I'm glad I've finally read it! My issue is, I love the mob. I love all mob stories. I usually read mob stories where somehow the bad guys are the good guys, but this just showed the Russian Mob as the enemies. And that's fine. But I was more interested in them than the superhero children. The Zeroes gang were amazing and I think I'd enjoy watching their story on the big screen. Reading it got way to complicated for me. There were so many people to keep up with. It reminded me of the 5th Wave. This book wasn't bad, but I'm not giving it a higher rating bc if I wasn't motivated to finish my GR challenge, I would've stopped reading it and gone into a reading slump.

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) Review

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) by Susan Ee 4/5 stars. THIS BOOK WAS EPIC!!! It's basically what I wanted after reading Cassie Clare's awesome repicturing of angels. I did like the plot line, it was entertaining enough, and Penryn reminded me so much of Katniss it was crazy. Penryn was an ideal female protag; strong willed, brave and stubborn. I'm glad to read such powerful characters, it's refreshing after all the garbage I read daily (but I do love those novels too). I don't know what else to talk about. It was a really good book. I don't love it so much that I want to read on or ever reread it, but it's just a well written book. Not what I was expecting, pleasantly. I thought it wouldn't be so YA-- but yay, it was! Raffe was a little asshole the entire time and I have confused emotions for him. I don't really like him that much, usually I find the bad boy vibe interesting in my paranormal romances, but this guy wasn't ever redeemi...

Review: Wool Omnibus Edition

Wool Omnibus Edition by Hugh Howey My rating: 3 of 5 stars 3.5/5 stars. This book had an interesting premise, but it was hard for me to read the flow of the writing most of the time. I enjoyed the backstory at the beginning, as well as when Juliette reaches another silo. I didn't really understand what was going on around the 3/4 mark, but that could be because I was falling asleep (it's late here). I don't think this should be promoted the 'next Hunger Games' phenomenon. It's just a simple YA post-apocalyptic dystopia. Where there's the threat of radiation and the infamous IT/technology antagonist. I could picture this being turned into a miniseries on TV. That would be good! View all my reviews

See Me (See Me #1) Review

See Me (See Me #1) by Wendy Higgins 3.75/5 stars??? Probably the best Wendy Higgins book I've ever read! Idk I do enjoy Sweet Evil… Anna and Kai are hot AF. But Kale and Robyn are so colourful with great characteristics, they're both really enjoyable to read about. Rock was hilarious, I must say. It was very cheeky of him to to steal the girl's clothes while they were swimming. Kale blushing and getting flustered was what I LIVED for in this book. He's an adorable cinnamon roll. Robyn was very rational and I liked her mind frame. I would gladly read more from her perspective. This reminded me of Lament, but greater. The Fae and Chaun's were strongly portrayed in this book, with endearing developments to suit the love story. I LOOOOVED KALE AND ROBYN FALLING IN LOVE! That was so cute and pure to witness. Is this is??? IS THERE ANY MORE!!?? I need to read more!! You can't just have my faves BOUND and BETROTHED after all of that, and not let me know how they'r...

Lola and the Boy Next Door (Anna and the French Kiss #2) Review

Lola and the Boy Next Door (Anna and the French Kiss #2) by by Stephanie Perkins 4/5 stars. It was beautifully written and I shipped Cricket and Lola (both names I wasn't a fan of but whatever) so much! It's nice to feel invested in a good ship. I haven't been feeling that lately. It was a bit quirky but if you like contemporary reads it's fine-- I'm just somebody who likes more solemn, paranormal romantic characters. I did enjoy the 2 fathers, and Lola's dealing with her angst about her birth mother. It did break my heart. I feel like this sequel didn't have NEARLY the depth from the last book. Anna and the French Kiss has me in tears from the emotional roller coaster it was. It had a looooooooooot of angst. This was a waaaay lighter read, and Lola reminds me a lot like Lily from Dash and Lily's Book of Dares. I enjoyed the age of the young adult group-- it wasn't too immature but it wasn't full on erotica or anything either. I'm glad we sa...

The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily (Dash & Lily #2) Review

The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily (Dash & Lily #2) by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan 4.5 stars-- .5 a star taken off for the angst. That's not what I signed up for in this Xmas novel. This was hella sad at the beginning, and I just wanted to scream, "GO AND TALK TO EACH OTHER! PLEASE!" It was a little cliche but tbh I've totally done it before as the insecure teen I am. This did live up to my expectations from the first novel, though the previous instalment still trumps this. But I'm glad this book exists. I loved how Dash was written. Lily's perspective kinda worsened in this instalment. Oh well, they're still as beautifully pure as before. I really appreciate how innocent this novel is-- it's very sweet and perfect for a holiday afternoon read. Highlighted quotes from my kindle: "Ostensibly, we were still dating. But the dating was feeling rather ostensible." THE WORST LINE EVER, WARNING; "He's allergic to cats. Sometimes...

New Blog Theme :)

I gave the blog a little make over. I'm still trying to format it; but what do you guys think? It's a bit basic, so I may change it later. I've changed the name of this blog from 'about a girl' to 'Cal's YA Reads'. Because hi. That's me. Reading YA. the other one

Long Time, No See!

Hi guys! I'm so sorry it's been so long. Here's a quick update before I actually dedicate some time to this blog <3: I'm thinking of restarting? Or giving the blog a make over? A more book-centric theme (including the URL etc) I've been obsessed with One Direction funny videos....... shame me (I spent 2 whole days just doing that) Also, I've been listening nonstop to Ed Sheeran. Bless him. I would like to marry him. Could somebody please arrange that?  I read 25 books in 2 days, during 30-31st of December I've already read 20 books this year (prepare for reviews yay) I've enrolled in uni!!!!! Ahhhh I feel like an adult?? Important question!! Should I keep doing book memes? You know, the kind of system I had running while I was in NYC?  If you think yes/no, vote on my poll that is on my blog's sidebar (only available on the desktop version, I'm pretty sure). Thank you to my 8 faithful readers, although I'm pretty sure ...

Half-Blood (Covenant #1) Review

Half-Blood (Covenant #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout 3.75/5 stars. The ending ended up being quite festive haha. I looooved this book! Amazing! I still like Obsidian more, but JLA has MASTERED YA paranormal/fantasy romance. She is my QUEEN <3 This book reminded me so much like VA. but just Rose and Dimitri's storyline, kinda. Which is cool, because VA is another awesome series. But I liked it for Liss and Christian, I actually can't stand Dimitri. But in Half Blood, it's like everything I wanted to improve in VA, and greater. I strongly suggest this book to any die hard VA fan.

New Widget

Hey guys, I'm back from New York! I hope you all enjoyed my daily blogging. That was over 45 blog posts, never skipped. Would you like me to continue daily blogging? Please let me know. Anyways, a new feature has been added on this blog!!! It's from Goodreads: So now you guys will know what I'm up to instantly :) I'm quite run down since returning home. the other one

Shelf Candy Saturday #1

Shelf Candy Saturday  @  A Night’s Dream of Books . A weekly link-up to showcase beautiful book covers. These are all on my Physical Copies TBR pile:  I think these are all really nice covers. Which is the best looking cover? the other one

When I First Saw You? #3

When I First Saw You?  @  Sailing Through Books . WIFSY is a weekly meme where you link up to your post on first impressions of a book cover in the form of a made-up synopsis … so basically judging a book by it’s cover yes. This is my last book meme from my NYC 6 week trip. That means I'm on a 23hr plane trip home, and I'm exhausted. You guys are probably sick of hearing we talk about books daily. Thanks for all who stuck around and read-- you guys are v cool ty!!! A Discovery of Witches (All Souls Trilogy #1)  by Deborah Harkness When I first saw this story, I thought it would be my new favourite thing.  Turns out it was a 1 star for me.  It also made me realise I don't like witch stories that much either.  This story is basically how the author wanted her life, it was so boring to read chapters on end about the same university she went to, and alchemy, and how she's middle aged. To top it all off, it wasn't written that great! Wh...

Wishlist Wednesday #2

Wishlist Wednesday  @  Pen to Paper . A book blog hop where we will post about one book per week that has been on our wishlist for some time, or just added, that we can’t wait to get off the wishlist and onto our wonderful shelves. I've owned this book for over a year now, since I got it last Christmas... it was really popular but I never got around to it. A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird #1)  by Claudia Gray I've completely forgotten the synopsis, but wow such a pretty cover, isn't it???  Other Wishlist Wednesday posts: #1 Take a look at your shelves, what haven't you read yet? the other one

Tell Me Something Tuesday #4

Tell Me Something Tuesday  @  Rainy Day Ramblings . Post about the weekly question on your blog and link up (topics are up 1 week in advance). Cliffhangers... do they make you want to read the next book or steer you away? It depends how good the whole story was. If it has characters I don't care for, with a surprise that doesn't shock nor concern me, then no. It hinders the experience to a large extent. Such as:  Queen of Shadows (Review) However, most of the time, I adore them!  Sure they piss me off a bit, but I'm so invested-- it's worth the wait.  Unless the instalment is just a complete cop-out, with the only use to sell more money. Then no.  Previous Tell Me Something Tuesday posts: #1 #2 #3 How do you feel about cliffhangers? the other one

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? #3

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?  @  Book Date . Link to your post about what you’ve read recently, are currently reading & plan on reading next … not active on Sheila’s blog right now.  G'day, bookworms! This is my last Monday on my trip... Which means my 23hr flight back home is nigh. Which means I need books. Last year I reread all of Cassandra Clare's Shadowhunter Series. I think I'll make it a tradition, every start of the year, and reread them. They are my fave series, afterall. Or maybe I'll reread other YA Classics, like THG or Divergent? Previous  It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? posts: #1 #2 What will you be reading this New Years?  the other one

Cover Characteristic #5

Cover Characteristic  @  Sugar & Snark . Each week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite cover’s with that characteristic. If you want to join in and share your 5 favorite covers with the weeks particular characteristic, then just make a post, grab the meme picture (or make your own) and leave your URL in the Linky. Theme: Night Fever Make sure to rest and enjoy some time for yourself this Sunday, the other one