Landline Review

Landline by Rainbow Rowell


2.5 stars.

For me, it was a little confusing and then slowly turned boring. I felt sad for her for most of the book, and didn't think she should return to Neal. 

I was greatly appreciating her best friend who's a guy and how they maintained a platonic relationship, but oop- nope- ruined. Suddenly "I love you"'s were exchanged, and my expectations were disappointed once again.

For a comedian, she was not very funny. 

I don't know why I found this under the YA section: it wasn't in YA perspective nor would it interest many, IMO. It's about a nearly 40 something, almost divorcee who's sad over Christmas. 

People who would enjoy this book probably like Love Actually.

I am not one of those people.

On the plus side, here's some quotes that I enjoyed and highlighted on my kindle; 

1. "And time is an illusion."
"You're a DELusion. We can't write four scripts before Christmas."

2. "Everybody's a little lopsided, roll with it."

Oh that's it okay then. 

One last note, her two daughters remind me of the youngest sister from To All The Boys I've Loved Before. You decide if that's fun to read. 

In conclusion; I'm sad I bought this and will probably regift it to a more faithful fan of RR. 

the other one
